UX Component
/documentation/pages/Client/Guide/Design/View/Grid/UX Component - Older Page.xml
This is an older UX Component page that gives a general overview of the builders categories, properties, and features. For a more current description of the UX builder visit the other UX Component page.
Display Format Properties
/documentation/pages/Guides/Mobile and Web Components/UX/Controls/Props/other/Form Properties/Form properties/Fields/Display Format/index.xml
Display Format Properties
UX Component
/documentation/pages/Guides/Mobile and Web Components/UX/index.xml
The UX component is an ideal choice for web and mobile application due to its versatility, including the wide range of controls for displaying and editing your data as well as it's ability to integrate with multiple data sources.
Display Format
/documentation/pages/Guides/Mobile and Web Components/Grid/Grid Fields/Grid Field Properties/Display Settings/Display Format.xml
If the control type is Label, Link, TextBox, or TextArea, the Display Format property allows you to automatically change the presentation of your data.
Open a UX component
/documentation/pages/Ref/Action Javascript/Open a UX component.xml
Opens an UX component in a pop-up window, or in a DIV on the current page. (Only new Ajax components can be opened. Old dialogs built in V10 and earlier are not supported.
UX Component 'Dirty State'
/documentation/pages/Guides/Mobile and Web Components/UX/Controls/Data Controls/List/UX Component 'Dirty State'.xml
Just like standard UX Components controls (such as Textbox, Textarea, RadioButton, etc), the List control is bound to a UX component variable. When the value in any control changes the UX component is considered to be 'dirty'. So for example, if you open a UX and then select a row in a List, ghe UX will go from 'clean' to 'dirty'.
UX Component - Videos
/documentation/pages/Guides/Mobile and Web Components/UX/UX Component - Videos.xml
Over 40 videos describing how to create, manipulate, and improve a UX component.
Refresh/synchronize embedded UX component
/documentation/pages/Ref/Action Javascript/Refresh synchronize embedded UX component.xml
Updates the argument values in the child UX component and refreshes the data shown in List controls and other controls that are based on data Series. Also causes the embedded UX component's 'onSynchronizeDialog' (client-side) and 'onSynchronize' (server-side) events to fire.
UX Component Client-Side API
Properties and methods availble for interacting with components and controls in a UX Component
Open a UX component to Edit Current Record in Grid, or add a new Record
/documentation/pages/Ref/Action Javascript/Open a UX component to Edit Current Record in Grid, or add a new Record.xml
Open an UX component in a pop-up window, or in a DIV on the current page, to edit the current row in a Grid component or to enter a new record. (Only new Ajax Components can be opened. Old Dialogs in V10 and earlier are not supported.)